We provide investors with support at every stage of the process related to a transaction on the commercial real estate market.
The knowledge and experience of our experts minimize business risk. Discover our full range of services.

Leasing for investors

Our specialists support property owners in building effective rental strategies based on the realities of the market. Thanks to many years of experience, we know how to maximize the potential of buildings and translate it into the maximum effectiveness of the rental offer. We are a supplier of solutions that optimize the use of space and contribute to the maximization of financial results. We manage the commercialization process of real estate and support building owners at every stage.

Fields of support:

  • Leasing strategies – concept & implementation
  • Valuation & business plans
  • Tenant mix strategy
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Pre-let campaigns
  • Transaction management
  • Commercialisation
  • Management of real estate portfolio
  • Evolution of leasing strategies in case of mergers or takeovers Cross-selling – office, retail, industrial & logistics


Maciej Ozdoba

Maciej Ozdoba

Associate Director

+48 510 072 933